Collection's Items (Sorted by Fecha de envío in Descendente order): 41 to 55 of 55
Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
28-nov-2022 | The English teaching and learning process in fiscal schools from the Amazon region. | Ávalos Obregón, María Dolores; Bautista Yumbo, Mishel Nohelia |
20-oct-2022 | Music as a didactic resource for teaching English | Ávalos Obregón, María Dolores; Galán Macias, Luis Fernando |
19-oct-2022 | Technological resources to teach English vocabulary to children with dyslexia; the case of students at 9th year of Educación Básica, “Unidad Educativa Santo Tomás Apóstol Riobamba” in Chimborazo province, Riobamba city, period 2021-2022 | Torres Cajas, Mónica Janneth; Caizapanta García, Lucía Emilia |
14-oct-2022 | English Teaching language to children with dyslexia: an analysis based on the curricular adaptations guide | Gallegos Nuñez, María Mercedes; Flores Rojas, Michelle Sofía |
14-oct-2022 | The usage of PowerPoint in English Language Teaching in the Decimo año de Educación General Básica at Escuela de Educación Básica Fiscomisional Fe y Alegría in Riobamba city, Chimborazo province in the school year 2021-2022 | Torres Cajas, Mónica Janeth; Villamarin Tarco, Heiddy Gabriel |
5-oct-2022 | The use of the ludic methodology for teaching English to adhd students coursing the cuarto año de educación general básica of the Rumiñahui high school, located in the San Isidro parish from Guano - Chimborazo province, in the academic period 2021-2022 | Vilema Narváez, César Augusto; Pérez Reyes, Leslie Micaela |
29-sep-2022 | Bilingualism and its relationship with English language learning; a communicative approach from the perspective of students, in the Octavo Año de Educación Básica, Paralelo ‘’B’’, from the Unidad Educativa ''Monseñor Leónidas Proaño'' in the city of Riobamba, Chimborazo province, during the academic period September 2021 ─ June 2022 | Torres Cajas, Mónica Janneth; Taco Flores, Oscar David |
28-sep-2022 | Technological resources in the development of listening skills | Lara Velarde, Adriana Carolina; Vilema Macas, Jeferson Rivaldo |
22-sep-2022 | Communicative activities and the English speaking skill | Lara Velarde, Adriana Carolina; Lara Velarde, Kelly Jhoanna |
26-ago-2022 | A critical analysis of the English Proficiency Index (EPI) 2020 from the view of high school English teachers. | Lara Velarde, Adriana Carolina; Márquez Andrade, Karen Alejandra |
18-ago-2022 | Educational games as a strategy to strengthen motivation in students from Octavo año de Educacion Básica from “Unidad Educativa Intercultural Bilingüe Monseñor Leonidas Proaño” in city of Riobamba, Province of Chimborazo, during the Academic Period 2021-2022 | Lara Velarde, Adriana Carolina; Hinojoza Pilamunga, Ruth Stefanny |
5-abr-2022 | WhatsApp application usage in the English learning process in the Students del Tercer Año de Bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa “Nueva Concordia” in La Concordia city - Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas province of the School Year 2021 – 2022 | Gallegos Núñez, María Mercedes; Alcívar Álvarez, María Gabriela |
31-mar-2022 | The learning process for teaching academic writing, the case of Seventh Semester of the Career Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros at Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo in the city of Riobamba, Chimborazo Province during the academic period May 2021- September 2021 | Gallegos Nuñez, María Mercedes; Bermeo Barragán, Sara Elizabeth |
28-mar-2022 | The Teaching of the English Language to people with hearing disabilities; the case of the students of the Second Bachillerato class "A" in the Unidad Educativa Especializada Sordos de Chimborazo, in the city of Riobamba – Chimborazo province, academic period 2021-2022 | Narváez Vilema, César Augusto; Uvidia Echeverría, Sebastian Andres |
23-mar-2022 | The description of the usage of Nat-Geo program as an audiovisual tool to reinforce the acquisition of English language learning with Sixth Grade students of the Basic Education at the Unidad Educativa "UK School" in the Ambato city, Tungurahua Province, during the 2020-2021 Academic School Year | Gallegos Núñez, Mercedes; Coronel Núñez, Johana Elizabeth |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Fecha de envío in Descendente order): 41 to 55 of 55