Maestría en Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera Página de inicio de la colección

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Fecha de envío in Descendente order): 1 to 15 of 15
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
26-nov-2024Motivation to boost writing skill through digital tools in the 2nd-semester students at ISU Carlos Cisneros in the 2024 first term.Cundar Ruano, Adriana Ximena; Quishpi Espinel, Laura Mercedes
22-nov-2024Total physical response method to enhance listening skill.Macias Silva, Evelyn; Freire Carrillo, Sofía Fernanda
13-nov-2024The influence of ICTS within the continuous development of learning in the students of the third year of "Isabel de Godín" Educational Unit, in Riobamba city, Chimborazo Province.Heredia Arboleda, Edgar Eduardo; Caicedo Pacheco, John Franklyn
5-nov-2024Peer feedback to improve english writing skills.Aquino Rojas, Marco Antonio; Merino Hernández, Sandra Elizabeth
31-oct-2024Cognitive strategies and their incidence in reading comprehension.Martínez Zapata, Tatiana Elizabeth; Freire Carrillo, Luz María
31-oct-2024Virtual learning objects for the development of english vocabulary in students of tenth grade of Velasco Ibarra Educational Unit, Guamote canton, period 2023 – 2024.Martínez Zapata, Tatiana Elizabeth; Castro Molina, Yadira Patricia
30-oct-2024Enhancing Speaking Skills through Small-talk2Me AI Tool in the English Language Learning Process among High School Students at a Public Institution in Riobamba City, the school year 2023-2024.Torres Cajas, Mónica Janneth; Martínez Durán, Luis Mauricio
29-oct-2024Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) to activate the writing skill for 9th-grade EGB student at Unidad Educativa "La Salle" in Riobamba city, period 2022-2023.Cundar Ruano, Adriana; Obando Flores, Byron Eduardo
8-oct-202421st century skills and their influence on the development of oral production in efl studentsFuertes López, Blanca; Villalba Espinoza, Jefferson Moisés
30-sep-2024Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques used in the teaching learning process to improve the speaking skill.Fuertes López, Blanca Narcisa; Asqui Tingo, María Paola
10-jul-2024Podcasting in the teaching of listening skills to general superior basic school students.Cruz Fernández, Gabriela María de la; Mosquera Arguello, Luz Magali
28-jun-2024Linguistic intelligence, short stories to improve writing skill.Aquino Rojas, Marco; García Alcívar, Nelis Edid
12-jun-2024Didactic Guide of Technological Strategies for the development of Speaking Skills in high school learners from Unidad Educativa Cristiana "Nazareno" in Riobamba City, Chimborazo Province.Torres Cajas, Mónica Janeth; Abarca Alulema, Vannesa Alexandra
23-abr-2024Cooperative learning strategies in the English language speaking skills improvement.Ullauri Moreno, Magdalena Inés; Avellaneda Buñay, Gabriela Jimena
15-abr-2024Learning English as a second language through children's literature with fifth grade students of the Unidad Educativa del Milenio "Guano" in the period 2022 - 2023.Ullauri Moreno, Magdalena Inés; Vizuete Fernández, Rina Natali
Collection's Items (Sorted by Fecha de envío in Descendente order): 1 to 15 of 15