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Resultados 21-30 de 187.
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7-jul-2016The use of motivational strategies to encourage the speaking skill of english language in the learners of 1, 2 and 3 of general bachelor unified in the “unidad educativa intercultural bilingüe “Los Tipines”, in Palmira, Guamote canton and Chimborazo province, during the school year 2014-2015Ullauri, Magdalena; Caín Yuquilema, Elsa María
8-jul-2016The communicative activities to teach speaking skill in students of 2do año de bachillerato en aplicaciones informáticas parallel “a” at “Iisabel de Godín” high school, in the city of riobamba, Chimborazo province, during the schoolar year 2014-2015.Vallejo., María Dolores; Cava Paguay, Gabriela Elizabeth; PilataxiYaucán., Irene Margot
8-jul-2016The use of slangs and idioms as a methodological strategy to improve the speaking skill of english language with the students of tercer año de bachillerato ‘B’ of aplicaciones informáticas specialty at unidad educativa “Isabel de Godín” during the academic year 2014-2015Machado Cevallos, Luis Alberto; Martínez Zapata, Tatiana Elizabeth; Llluguin Merino, Gabriela Susana
8-jul-2016The autonomous work in the english language learning in 8th semester “B” in language career at the Universidad Ncional de Chimborazo in academic period from march 2015 to august 2015”.Vallejo, María Dolores; Chinlli Yumisaca, Karina Elizabeth; Paucar Cornelio, Rita Vitelia
8-jul-2016Slf esteem as emotional factor influence on the learning and teaching english development in the speaking skill in the students of 10mo año de educación básica at colegio de bachillerato fiscal Riobamba, during the academic year 2013-2014.Machado Cevallos, Luis Alberto; Salazar, Verónica; Melo, Aída
8-jul-2016Incidencia de la inteligencia múltiple “verbal lingüística” en el proceso de aprendizaje del idioma inglés en los estudiantes del décimo año paralelo “a” del colegio Alfredo Pérez Guerrero del cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo en el año lectivo 2014-2015.Vallejo, María Dolores; Callacando Callacando, Ana Lucía; Macas Carguacundo, Katy Elizabeth
8-jul-2016Methodological strategies and their influence on the development of productive english speaking skills in the learners of 8th year at “Tomas Oleas" high school located in parroquia Cajabamba, cantón Colta, Chimborazo province during the school year 2014-2015Ullauri., Magdalena; Mullo Naula., Luis Jairo; Ttenezaca Yadaicela., Erika Patricia
8-jul-2016Influencia del método “CLT” o comunicativo en el desarrollo de la destreza comunicativa en los estudiantes del tercer año de bachillerato, paralelos A y B de la unidad educativa “Juan de Velasco” de la ciudad de Riobamba durante el período 2014-2015Vallejo, María; Chunata Vallejo, Dolores Aída; Cazco Carrasco, Zandra Elizabeth
8-jul-2016Classroom management in the english learning process at 9th level"b" in the escuela de educación básica dr. Nicanor Larrea León, in the city of Riobamba, during the school year 2014 -2015Machado, Luis; Jaya, Aída; Cujilema, Sandra
8-jul-2016Language strategies to develop english listening skill in the students of 7mo año de educacion básica, unidad educativa Doctor Emilio Uzcátegui, at Cebadas, Guamote canton, Chimborazo province, in the academic year 2014-2015Vallejo, María Dolores; Illicachi Rojas, Gabriela Katherin; Ruiz Chávez, Gladys Leonor