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dc.contributor.advisorLuisa Carolina González Ramírez-
dc.contributor.authorDiana Carolina, Pullotasi Pilapanta-
dc.identifier.citationFacultad de Ciencias de la Saludes_ES
dc.descriptionABSTRACT The objective of this work was to compile information on microscopic and immunological techniques used in the diagnosis of Trypanosoma by searching and reviewing literature from secondary sources to update the diagnosis of the parasite. The methodology applied in this research is descriptive, documentary design, cross-sectional and retrospective with a sample of 42 useful bibliographic sources closely related to the objective of the study, including web pages (OPS, MSP, Rev Biomédica, Theses, scientific articles found through databases such as Pubmed, Scielo, Elsevier, Bvs, Google Scholar, published in the last ten years to meet the criteria of timeliness and respond to the study problem. For data collection, an advanced search strategy was applied in the same databases; keywords were chosen to enter the search bar, the information was filtered with the last ten years, Spanish and English language, and tropical medicine and health disciplines. The results obtained were that, for the parasitological characterization of Trypanosoma in the laboratory, direct visualization of the parasite and microhematocrit are still the most used techniques in the laboratory, despite their variable sensitivity. In contrast, the immunological diagnosis by ELISA technique is more sensitive and allows the identification of minimal amounts of antibodies in the patient's sample. Keywords: Immunological, Trypanosoma, ELISA METHOD, microhematocrit, diagnosis. Reviewed by: Mgs. Sonia Granizo Lara. English professor. c.c. 0602088890es_ES
dc.description.abstractCaracterización del tripanosoma por técnicas microscópicas e inmunológicas.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUNACH, Ecuadores_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional de Chimborazoes_ES
dc.subjectMÉTODO ELISAes_ES
dc.titleCaracterización del tripanosoma por técnicas microscópicas e inmunológicas.es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis Laboratorio Clínico e Histopatológico

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