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Título : Análisis de la planificación de comunicación como herramienta para la dirección de comunicación del GADM-Riobamba período enero – junio 2019
Autor : Carlos, Larrea Naranjo
Evelyn Mireya, Real Amaguaya
Palabras clave : Planificación de la Comunicación
Dirección de Comunicación
Plan de comunicación
Fecha de publicación : 11-sep-2020
Editorial : Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
Citación : Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Administrativas
Resumen : Analysis of communication planning as a tool for the Communication Direction of the GADM- Riobamba from January to June 2019". Communication planning is atransversal and integral process which allows institutions and companies to develop communication skills in order to reach a higher position through the image and strengthen of the union identity. Therefore, GADM-Riobamba, through the Communication Department, establishes activities and strategies for the dissemination of information to reach its audiences; nonetheless, those activities are not planned on the basis of needs or objectives. That is why a percentage of the Riobamba’s population is not unaware of Municipality’s management. Consequently, for carrying out this research, a quantitative and qualitative analysis were executed through surveys for external and internal audiences, as well as interviews with experts in the field. The information gathered helped identify the main causes and consequences generated by the absence of a communication plan within the institution. Then, a solution for this problem was to propose a Strategic Communication Plan for the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Riobamba Canton.
Descripción : Analysis of communication planning as a tool for the Communication Direction of the GADM- Riobamba from January to June 2019". Communication planning is atransversal and integral process which allows institutions and companies to develop communication skills in order to reach a higher position through the image and strengthen of the union identity. Therefore, GADM-Riobamba, through the Communication Department, establishes activities and strategies for the dissemination of information to reach its audiences; nonetheless, those activities are not planned on the basis of needs or objectives. That is why a percentage of the Riobamba’s population is not unaware of Municipality’s management. Consequently, for carrying out this research, a quantitative and qualitative analysis were executed through surveys for external and internal audiences, as well as interviews with experts in the field. The information gathered helped identify the main causes and consequences generated by the absence of a communication plan within the institution. Then, a solution for this problem was to propose a Strategic Communication Plan for the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Riobamba Canton.
URI : http://dspace.unach.edu.ec/handle/51000/6891
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Comunicación Social
Tesis - Comunicación Social
Tesis - Comunicación Social

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