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Título : El divorcio incausado en el Ecuador y la violencia intrafamiliar
Autor : Mejía Chávez, Vinicio
Fierro Díaz, María Paz
Palabras clave : Divorcio
Fecha de publicación : 19-sep-2024
Editorial : Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador
Citación : María Paz, F(2024) El divorcio incausado en el Ecuador y la violencia intrafamiliar(Tesis de Pregrado) Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador
Resumen : María Paz, F(2024) El divorcio incausado en el Ecuador y la violencia intrafamiliar(Tesis de Pregrado) Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador
Descripción : ABSTRACT: Marriage, as a legal institution, has undergone transformations over time due to socio- cultural, economic and legal changes, which raises the issue of unjustified divorce and domestic violence in Ecuador. Unjustified divorce allows for the termination of marriage without justifying a specific reason. The lack of a specific rule on uncontested divorce and the slowness of judicial procedures in Ecuador can exacerbate domestic violence, especially when faced with difficulties in proving grounds such as violence. The research arises from the need to update Ecuadorian civil laws to adapt them to the current social reality and to prevent domestic violence. The objective is to carry out a legal and doctrinal analysis of uncontested divorce and its relation to domestic violence, using methods such as legal, comparative and correlational analysis. Survey techniques were applied to legal experts, with a mixed approach combining descriptions of information gathered in surveys and theoretical and conceptual analysis of legal norms. The research included elements of dogmatic, descriptive and correlational research, with a non-experimental design that allowed for a detailed exploration of the legal and social dimensions of the topic without intervening directly in specific situations.The population of interest is individuals affected by domestic violence, and the sample was a non-probabilistic purposive sample of legal professionals. The instruments applied were questions related to support for uncontested divorce and the perception of its impact on domestic violence. The legal and doctrinal study reveals an evolution in the conception of marriage in Ecuador, with a more focused approach to autonomy and individual rights. In conclusion, the research provided a solid basis for understanding the viability of uncontested divorce in Ecuador and its relationship to domestic violence, highlighting the need to update laws to protect individual rights and prevent violence in the family. DIVORCE-VIOLENCE-FAMILY-GROUNDS-COMPARATIVE
URI : http://dspace.unach.edu.ec/handle/51000/13787
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