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dc.contributor.advisorMéndez, Amanda-
dc.contributor.authorSagñay Guacho, Francisco-
dc.identifier.citationSagñay Guacho, F(2022)La literatura ancestral y su incidencia en la lectura comprensiva en la Unidad Educativa “29 de septiembre”, San miguel de Pomachaca, Guamote, Chimborazo. Tesis de Pregrado) Universidad Nacionales_ES
dc.descriptionABSTRAC In boys and girls in the eighth grade of primary education, there are difficulties in decoding words, sentences, phrases, expressions, and messages, a poor vocabulary in understanding the meaning of words and understanding of texts, as well as in the interpretation and the recognition of the literal level of the contents programmed by the teacher. The objective of this research is to improve comprehensive reading by applying ancient literature such as: (stories, legends, myths, and poetry). The theme corresponds to ancestral literature and its impact on extensive reading in the "September 29" educational unit. It was not possible to apply the population and the sample as planned with 29 students and two teachers in the eighth year of basic education because they did not know the ancestral literature. I had to support myself with the older adults of the community of San Miguel de Pomachaca. They are the ones who know stories, legends, myths, and traditions orally, which are linked to improving extensive reading so that the reader develops the ability to understand and interpret what is read about the meaning of the content of a text, to use to build new texts, as well as assess and develop the skills of understanding and construction of knowledge as a means of communication. An active methodology was within the cognitive model and with the collaborative work of local adults in both Spanish and Kichwa languages. With the information obtained through structured interviews before and after implementating the "Ancestral literature methodological guide for reading comprehension," a non- experimental, applied, descriptive, qualitative, and field research was conducted using a deductive method. Among the techniques used were the interview and observation; the instruments were handled through cards and the structured base test. It was concluded with the application of methodological and didactic strategies that favor reading comprehension in Spanish and Kichwa in any context, taking advantage of bilingualism and overcoming reading comprehension problems; The applicability of the "Ancestral literature methodological guide for reading comprehension" is recommended, it is adapted for the educational institution of the place, educational institutions of the rural and urban sector of the bilingual and Hispanic jurisdiction where bilingual boys and girls predominate, with problems of linguistic interference in the expression, literacy, and comprehension presented in most of the students. Keywords: Ancestral literature, extensive reading, stories, myths, legends, poetry. Firmado electrónicamente por: MARCELA PATRICIA GONZALEZ ROBALINO Reviewed by: Mgs. Marcela González Robalino English Professor c.c. 0603017708es_ES
dc.description.abstractRESUMEN En los estudiantes de octavo año de educación básica, se evidencia dificultades de descodificación de las palabras, oraciones, frases, expresiones y mensajes, un vocabulario pobre en la comprensión del significado de las palabras y comprensión de los textos, como en la interpretación y el reconocimiento del nivel literal de los contenidos programados por el docente. El objetivo de la presente investigación es elaborar y aplicar una guía metodológica de la Literatura ancestral para la lectura comprensiva mediante un proceso didáctico con ejercicios de cuentos, leyendas mitos y poesías. En la metodología está especificada el diseño de la investigación que es no experimental debido a que no tiene el grupo de control, permite ser aplicada a través del método inductivo con sus cinco pasos básicos; experiencia, reflexión, conceptualización, aplicación, evaluación, conclusión. La encuesta fue aplicada a seis adultos mayores entre hombres y mujeres por cuanto estudiantes y docentes desconocen la Literatura ancestral. Finalmente entre las conclusiones se determinó que la guía metodológica de la Literatura ancestral para la lectura comprensiva se encuentra elaborada didácticamente mediante dos unidades y en cada unidad se encuentra cinco actividades con ejercicios de cuentos leyendas mitos y poesías en lengua materna (kichwa) castellanoes_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Nocional de Chimborazoes_ES
dc.subjectLiteratura ancestrales_ES
dc.subjectlectura comprensivaes_ES
dc.subjectlectura comprensivaes_ES
dc.titleLa literatura ancestral y su incidencia en la lectura comprensiva en la Unidad Educativa “29 de septiembre”, San miguel de Pomachaca, Guamote, Chimborazo.es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría En Pedagogía Mención Docencia Intercultural

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