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dc.contributor.advisorGutierrez, Henry-
dc.contributor.authorAlbuja Yanza, Arturo Fernando-
dc.contributor.authorMoyano Bravo, Cynthia Priscila-
dc.identifier.citationFacultad de Ciencias de la Saludes_ES
dc.descriptionThe present investigation deals with the "IMPACT THAT HAS THE TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE SPORT discus throwers in 2011 We have chosen the subject because they observed a deficiency of technical discus throwers in the intercollegiate and national competitions, the main reason is for not properly perform this technique in the angle of departure of the throwers. The main objective of this research is to answer the correct throwing technique to ensure that the subject gets further away when executing the exercise. After conducting a literature review on the subject, we have seen since ancient times man has had the need for movement, and in their desire to keep fit, exercise has been used to achieve this. Over time, this physical need has evolved so that it is global in nature and institutional. It is clear that physical education is a requirement of man, of course, is essential for our own good, physical fitness and to enjoy the full humanity. The hypothesis: The technique of throwing affects athletic performance discus throwers. Besides surveys and observations to 12 athletes and 4 coaches, through tables and charts, important data were obtained, they were respectively analyzed and interpreted and thereby to determine the degree of impact of technology in sports performance throwers.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación trata sobre la: “INCIDENCIA QUE TIENE LA TÉCNICA EN EL RENDIMIENTO DEPORTIVO DE LOS LANZADORES DE DISCO EN EL AÑO 2011 Se ha escogido el tema debido a que se a observado la deficiencia de la técnica en los lanzadores de disco en las competencias intercolegiales y nacionales, su principal razón es por no realizar correctamente esta técnica en el ángulo de salida de los lanzadores de disco. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es dar respuesta a la correcta técnica de lanzamiento para garantizar que el sujeto obtenga mayor distancia al momento de ejecutar el ejercicio.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUNACH, Sede Ecuador.es_ES
dc.publisherRiobamba: Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2011.es_ES
dc.subjectLanzamiento de Discoes_ES
dc.titleIncidencia de la técnica en el rendimiento deportivo de los lanzadores de disco en el año 2011es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Ingeniería Gestión Turística y Hotelera

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