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dc.contributor.advisorMoreno Arrieta, Luz Elisa-
dc.contributor.authorYantalema Inchiglema, Norma Piedad-
dc.descriptionThe present research was aimed to study the family dysfunction and academic performance of the students of Tenth A of the Educational Unit “Licto", the sample was 33 students, 19 women and 14 men. The methodology used is quantitative approach, because it is a social research, within the type of research is field: since it was developed on the scene, cross-sectional because it was performed in a line time, correlational since the relationship between the two variables is understood and evaluated, descriptive because it seeks to specify properties and important characteristics of this phenomenon under study. The population in this research were 33 students, the type of sample is not probabilistic and intentional, the SPSS statistical program was used to analyze the results; obtained; the technique applied was the survey using closed questions related to the two study variables. As a conclusion it was established that there is a high percentage of homes where the Parents or one of the parents is outside the family nucleus, the academic performance of students has been determined by their grades, through the assessment scale of the Ministry of Education, where low grades are defined; a positive correlation between family dysfunction and the academic performance of students of the Licto Educational Unit was defined. Prevention strategies need to be developed around the academic performance of students, especially those from the SPSS statistical program was used to analyze the results obtained; the technique applied was the survey using closed questions related to the two study variables. As a conclusion it was established that there is a high percentage of households where the Parents or one of the parents is outside the family nucleus, the academic performance of students has been determined by their grades, through the assessment scale of the Ministry of Education, where low grades are defined; a positive correlation between family dysfunction and the academic performance of students of the Licto Educational Unit was defined. Prevention strategies need to be developed around the academic performance of students, especially those who come from dysfunctional families, through the development of educational and informative material that raise awareness among teachers and parents.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad estudiar la disfunción familiar y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Décimo A de la Unidad Educativa “Licto”, se trabajó con 33 estudiantes (19 mujeres y 14 hombres).La metodología utilizada es el enfoque cuantitativo, donde se hace una medición de las variables a tratar y se realiza la estadística descriptiva para discutir el problema de investigación, dentro del tipo de investigación es de campo: ya que se realizó en el lugar de los hechos, transversal porque se realizó en un tiempo determinado, correlacional puesto que se entiende y evalúa la relación entre las dos variables, descriptiva porque se busca especificar propiedades y características importantes de este fenómeno en estudio. La población en esta investigación fueron 33 estudiantes, el tipo de muestreo es no probabilística e intencional, se empleó el programa estadístico SPSS para analizar los resultados obtenidos; la técnica aplicada fue la encuesta mediante preguntas cerradas relacionadas con las dos variables de estudio. Como conclusión se determinó que si existe una relación entre la disfunción familiar y el rendimiento académico pero según el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson se obtuvo 0,277 interpretado como una correlación positiva baja, detectada en la muestra de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Licto, como recomendación se planteó elaborar estrategias de prevención en torno al rendimiento académico de los estudiantes, sobretodo de los que provienen de familias disfuncionales, mediante la elaboración de material educativo y divulgativo que concientice a los docentes y padres de familia.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUNACH, sede Ecuadores_ES
dc.format.extent58 p.es_ES
dc.subjectDisfunción familiares_ES
dc.subjectRendimiento académicoes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Licenciatura el Psicología Educativa Orientación Vocacional y Familiar

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