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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.advisorMachado, Luis-
dc.contributor.authorVera de la Torre, Ana Jazmina-
dc.descriptionThe research work: The application of the Problem- Based learning (PBL) and its impact on the development of speaking skill in learning English as a foreign language in the students of C1 at Technical University of Ambato 2014-2015, deals with the lack of fluently speaking that the students of the C1 had in the Language School of Ambato Technical University. The students’ population found here are 23 adults from 18 to 35 years of age. The problem was found trough a pre- test and by observation. When students tried to speak in the target language they lacked on vocabulary. However, it was a big problem for them, to find the correct words to express themselves. They did not have the fluency and accuracy according to the level they had been studying. The objective of this investigation was to help students to develop their oral skill trough the PBL (Problem Base – Learning); thanks to this method the students had the opportunity to interact using the target language through problems from different characteristics, and they had the chance to solve problems related to health, society, professions and love. The proposal is a guide book “Beyond the problem” based on the PBL method. The intention is to develop the speaking skill through the proposal. A pre- test and a post-test were applied and after the application of the PBL, the results demonstrated that the students improved their interaction and communication. Their fluently and accurately were developed in order to have a good communication and interaction with others. The instruments used in this investigation facilitated the measure of the results and set conclusions and recommendations. The verification and measurements of the results were done through the application of the chi-square and after the analysis it is conclude that the C1 level students of the Language School at Technical University of Ambato obtained obtained better results in the speaking test after the intervention.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEsta investigación: The application of the Problem- Based learning (PBL) and its impact on the development of speaking skill in learning English as a Foreign Language in the students of C1 at Technical University of Ambato 2014-2015, presenta como problema a resolver el escaso desenvolvimiento de la habilidad oral de los estudiantes del nivel C1 de la Carrera de Idiomas de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato. El problema fue detectado a través de observación y de la aplicación de un pre-test. La población estaba formada por 23 estudiantes adultos de 18 a 35 años de edad. Cuando los estudiantes querían comunicarse en el Idioma Inglés poseían una mínima cantidad de vocabulario necesario para comunicarse con fluidez, por lo tanto el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación era el aplicar del ABP (Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas) como metodología eficaz para desarrollar la destreza oral de una manera efectiva y real. Por medio del método en mención los estudiantes del nivel C1 tuvieron la oportunidad de usar el idioma Inglés para resolver problemas relacionados a diferentes situaciones como amor, profesión, sociedad, y salud. Se presentó la guía “Beyond the Problem” como propuesta basada en la metodología del ABP, con el objetivo principal de desarrollar la destreza oral en el idioma Inglés como lengua extranjera en los estudiantes del C1 de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Con el fin de obtener resultados se aplicó un post- test cuyos resultados fueron comparados con los resultados obtenidos del pre-test. Luego de la aplicación de varias estrategias basadas en el ABP y utilizando el libro guía “Beyond the Problem”, se analizó los resultados y se pudo observar que la aplicación del ABP si ayuda a mejorar la destreza oral del idioma Ingléses_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUNACH, Sede Ecuador.es_ES
dc.format.extent126 p.es_ES
dc.publisherRiobamba: Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2016.es_ES
dc.subjectIdioma Ingléses_ES
dc.titleThe application of the problem- based learning (PBL) and its impact on the development of speaking skill in learning English as a foreign language in the students of c1 at Technical University of Ambato 2014-2015es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría en Lingüística Aplicada al Aprendizaje del Inglés

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